Frontier Land Group (MDR)
Address: | Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar District 1st khoroo, Seoul 6a, City Plaza, 2nd Floor, No. 202 |
Phone: | 70139950, 70139949 |
Fax: | |
Name of Director/CEO: | Rustamhodjaev.Saidabror |
Email: | |
Established date: | 2006-12-22 |
Listed date: | 0000-00-00 |
Registration № | 5106583 |
State Registration № | 9010001043 |
Stock type: | Common |
Business description: | Information technology |
Business description: | |
Auxiliary activities: |
Operation status: | Normal |
ISIN: | MN00MDR05245 |
Licenses, patents and trademarks owned
# | Type of Licenses, patents and trademarks | Date of acquisition | issued organization | Duration | Date of expiry/cancellation | File |
Information of a controlled and/or subsidiary company
# | Type | Name | Address | Principal activities |
Branches and Representative Offices of the Company
# | Name | Address |
Employee turnover ratio
# | Type | Amount | Percentage | Date |
Authorized officials
Last update date: 2021-11-15№ | Lastname Firstname | Position | Percentage of shares held |
1 | Rustamkhodjaev Saidabror | CEO | 0 % |
Board of Directors
Last update date: N/A№ | Lastname Firstname | Membership | Percentage of shares held |
Үнэт цаас хариуцсан мэргэжилтэн
Last update date: N/A№ | Lastname Firstname | Position in the company | Contact number |
Influential shareholders
Last update date: 2024-11-21№ | Lastname Firstname | Percentage of shares held | Ownership stake in other companies | Affiliated persons |
1 | FRONTIER LAND GROUP JSC | 32.71 % | None | None |
2 | MONGOLIA CAPITAL | 27.81 % | None | None |
3 | DISCOVERY FUND | 14.77 % | None | None |
4 | OPPORTUNITY FUND | 11.64 % | None | None |
5 | EASTINVESTOR | 7.27 % | None | None |
History of influential shareholders
№ | Lastname Firstname | Percent | Date |